Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Welcome Back Stranger!

Wow!  It's been a long time since I've written a post.  Almost a year to be exact.  I'm obviously not a very good blogger.  Maybe this is my year to improve on that.  I could give you a gazillion reasons why I haven't posted in such a long time, but I won't.  Hey, that's life for ya.   I have, however been reading lots of other people's blogs (I'll post on the bottom).  Which I am a little jealous of as to the fact that people find so much more time on their hands to do this than I do...haha.

I know I'm not the best writer in the world, but I just hope that anything on my blog could help someone some day or at least give them some encouragement.  So, to get on with the main theme of my blog.....drum roll please.........

Juicing!  Yes, my family and I have begun juicing.  We're not quite up to juicing on a daily basis, but we have been doing quite a bit of juicing and I have to say.... I love it.  I never in a million years thought that I would like juicing, especially with veggies.  I have seen some people with their gross looking "green juice" in a clear travel mug and I would mentally gag when I thought of actually drinking it.

I was sooooo wrong!  Ok, kale is still up there on my absolute least favorite things to juice, but I have pretty much tried it all with my juicer that my kids got me for Christmas last year.  Oh, and one of my favorite things is that my son, who refuses to eat ANY veggies, now loves carrot juice.  Carrot juice.....if I handed that kid a carrot he would puke just looking at it......I'm obviously exaggerating a bit, but you get it, he hates veggies.  But now, I throw carrots in the juicer and maybe an apple and VIOLA the kid is drinking his veggies.  YAY!  I should have gotten one of these way back in the day when I saw that guy on that infomercial selling them.....
 Remeber that guy?  LOL

 So, if you don't have a juicer, you should get one.  Really, you won't regret it.  If you juice already, then....CHEERS!  Bottoms up on some healthy, good-for-you juice :)

